May 10, 2010

Gorobei the Gambler

Gorobei likes to gamble and tries to make his living through playing the stakes as much as possible. He occasionally wracks up large debts with the Dragons, which forces him to take work as an enforcer or as security at high society balls and dingy gambling dens alike. He never takes any long term contracts, though he has been offered positions a few times. Twice he was forced to fight in the Dragonpits, in the underbelly of the city, in order to pay his way free of his death-debt.
  He is good natured and the time is rare when you can find him without a smile on his lips or a laugh in his belly.
  He favors the Demon Club, a brutal wooden mace sheathed in studded iron. The weapon is clumsy and requires unusual skill to wield it effectively but the effects are brutal.

Mar 4, 2010

Sketches a la Dragon

These are some sketches I worked up for a dragon painting I'd like to try. It's been a while since I tried drawing dragons and I'm surprised at how good these turned out.

Mar 2, 2010

Dwarf, again

This is a painted version of this dwarf, one of my first posts.

I'd say he's a brawler.

Feb 27, 2010


I decided to draw a rogue ranger hybrid that looks a little like Megan Fox for some reason.

Tiefling Warlock

A sketch on the back of a grocery bag.

Feb 25, 2010

Kallor the Steelblood

This is a character from a campaign I ran, a few years back, in Monte Cook's massive Ptolus setting.

Feb 21, 2010

"Painting" is fun

Another painting fresh off the canvas.

"Painting" Test

I decided to force myself to get better at my digital "painting", so here's my first attempt. I think I like it, although the hair is a bit weird. I need to work on hair technique, I think.

Feb 19, 2010

The Gates of Harendale

The dwarf stood upon the ridge, looking down at the warded gates to his ancestral home, knowing he'd never return. 

Feb 11, 2010

Krylath Oldfist

This young half-drow was seperated from his twin brother at a very early age and raised by a hermit witch in the jungles south of Stormreach.

Feb 10, 2010

Feb 9, 2010

Oasis Maiden Jezzeel

This beautiful young halfling, a member of House Ghallanda, greets weary travellers, shows them to their tents and provides them with nourishment. She loves gossip and is willing to trade information of the world beyond for the more expensive wines and foodstuffs of the Oasis.

Jan 29, 2010


An adventurer opens a magical tome, and magical stuff happens.

Jan 26, 2010

A dork

Some random nerd or dork, not sure which.

Jan 24, 2010

Shandria Lim, frost giantess

One of pilgrims living in the tent city of the Rusheme, outside Stormreach. She does her duty to the elders by performing guard duty, on occassion.

Jan 19, 2010

Jan 18, 2010

Rokanh, hill giant, shaman

Rokanh has been assigned to help the Redsleeves with a little trouble for one circuit of the sun.

Shorack the StormKing

This is a Stormgiant from the Xen'drik interior, looking to get a little help  dealing with the abduction (or possible destruction) of Guldar the Stormcrow, in the Mountains of Forgotten Glory.

Jan 17, 2010

Gaulronak, rushem'dal of Stormreach

This is my version of Gaulronak, from the Stormreach sourcebook, spiritual leader of the followers of Rusheme and mentor to Golgoroth. He stands about 20-25 feet high.